Cred ca este unica tara de marime mijlocie din lume care are toate reliefurile si atat de frumoase si inca nepuse in valoare turistica
Un traseu de o frumusete rara, inca putin cunoscut, este parcurs de mii de turisti din tara si din strainatate
Interesting article about the video going viral in Romania:
Put the crucifix away and discard that bulb of garlic – you won’t be needing them in today’s Transylvania, which blows away stereotypes faster than the flapping wings of a bat out of hell. Yes, horses and carts still rumble through the wooded countryside, but they’ll soon share the roads with Uber cabs ferrying visitors to chic Airbnb lodgings. Look past the ‘Count Drankula’ T-shirts and you’ll notice an ever-increasing number of art galleries, good value ski resorts and epic nature tours
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